E: deanoldfield10@gmail.com
Make sure you look dapper on your big day with a pair of shoes that perfectly match your suit.
We know how stressful shopping for any part of your wedding attire can be. Though what the groom wears often isn't as important as the bridal wear, you still want to look and feel special - down to your shoes!
If you're unsure what groom shoes you would like for your wedding, feel free to pop down to our Sheffield store and get tailored advice from our shoe experts. With decades of experience, we've helped countless grooms over the years find their perfect shoes to wear as their partner greets them down the aisle - and to dance well into the night!
We have an extensive collection of groom shoes for you to choose from.
Visit us in person by taking a trip to our Sheffield shop. From leather Brogues to modern styles, we house a rich selection of comfortable shoes for your wedding.
Perhaps you've had a pair of groom shoes passed down to you in need of repair? At Charles Brooks Shoes we also offer rapid shoe repairs carried out by hand.
Of course, where would a groom be on his big day without his best man standing right beside him?
We also sell many pairs of luxurious men's shoes that make the perfect pair for your best man. Whether you want a pair complementary to your own or you want to give your best man a different style, we can work with you to find what you're after.
To learn more about our current stock of shoes for grooms and best men, get in touch with us today. We'll be happy to help you out and direct you to our online supply or in-store offerings.
Based in Sheffield for more than 40 years.