E:  deanoldfield10@gmail.com

Shoe Repairs


Ladies and men's shoes repaired by hand in Sheffield

Visit our Sheffield store for quality repairs carried out by our experts with decades of experience.

Traditional shoe repair service

At Charles Brooks Shoes, we proudly provide a traditional shoe repair service and experience. From Dr. Martens™ to Jimmy Choos and every type and style of shoe in-between, we offer reliable repairs for ladies' shoes, men's shoes, and walking boots.

Whatever type of shoe your favourite pair of footwear is, let our incredible craftsmanship breathe new life back into the soles.

More than 45 years of experience

Our shop first opened in 1972 in Sheffield.

Now, more than 45 years later, Charles Brooks Shoes is as needed as ever as a beloved and recognised shop with many returning patrons.

Between us, our invaluable team has just shy of a century of experience repairing all types of shoe, including:

  • Loake shoes & boots
  • Loake Brogues
  • Barker shoes & boots
  • Barker Brogues
  • Padders shoes & boots
  • Tricker's England shoes & boots

Contact us today

Visit us in-store

If you're local to the Sheffield area and require expert shoe repairs carried out by professionals with decades of experience, why not visit us in-store?

We pride ourselves on delivering a personalised experience bespoke to your needs, whether it's a simple re-heeling job or something far more extensive.

Do you need your watch's battery or strap replacing too? We also offer replacement watch straps and batteries at affordable prices.

See our services

Send your shoes to us be repaired and we'll post them back to you within 48 hours. Contact us for more details.

Now taking repair requests via mail order

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